Why A Walk-Through Is Worth 1000 Pictures: 5 Things Photos Of A Luxury Home Won’t Tell You

In the past couple decades, shopping for a home has been largely transferred to the online arena. Online listings allow you to compare prices, peruse listings according to your desired amenities, and experience a virtual walk-through via photographs or video clips. While photos can give you a general feel for a home and help you decide whether to schedule a viewing, there are many ways that photos fall short. First of all, many luxury homes are listed with few, if any, public photographs in order to protect the current owner's property. Additionally, if there are photos, they often can not capture the intricacies involved in luxury architecture. Below are five things photographs will not show you. 

The Views From the Home 

One of the most important aspects of luxury real estate is the view from the home. For example, a wide skyline, a bridge view, or uninterrupted views of mountains and nature can all be desirable views. However, a photograph can rarely convey the views available from each area of the home. Additionally, a photograph will not tell you about the current air rights and zoning laws associated with the views, which can ensure that your view will be uninterrupted for years to come. For that information, you will have to work with a real estate agent or talk with the current owner. 

The Flow of the Rooms

While the online listing may contain a floor plan so you can get a general idea of the layout of the home, it will not be able to convey the flow of the rooms. During a walk-through you will be able to see what is visible from one room to the next and whether the home has enough privacy between public and private areas. 

The Feel of the Materials

While luxury materials should be visually pleasing, they should also be pleasing to touch and use. For example, you may not be able to fully appreciate carpet or hardwood flooring without walking on it. Additionally, you may want to try out the action of water faucets and kitchen appliances to experience the ease of their use. The definition of modern luxury should incorporate the ergonomic use of items within your home and not just their aesthetic value. 

The Atmosphere of the Neighborhood 

When you purchase a luxury property, you are not only purchasing the property you will be living in, but the experience of living in a luxury neighborhood. Real estate photos rarely capture the neighborhood around the home you are considering. It is important to spend time in the neighborhood and make sure it has the shops and amenities you need for a comfortable, luxury lifestyle. 

The Emotional Effect of the Ceiling Height 

High ceilings are almost considered a necessity for a luxury property. However, certain architects that have been influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie design style also opt to make use of low ceilings in order to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere in certain areas of the home. Before you discount a home for having shorter ceilings, you should visit the home to experience the emotional effect of the ceilings. Similarly, photos may not capture the expanse or light available in medium-height rooms if there are several windows and a decent view. In these cases, a medium ceiling height may be sufficient for a luxurious feeling. 

While online photos can be a good way to get a sensation of a mid-class home, they rarely capture the feeling of a luxury home. To view the best luxury homes, you should work with a real estate agent and trust them when they tell you that you need to see a home. Visit websites like http://www.adamscameron.com to get started. 
