Three Things To Consider When Choosing A Home To Invest In

If you are getting ready to start a hunt for a new home to move into, it's a good idea to consider what will help you better compare your options to one another and ensure that your ultimate decision is the right one. Here are a few important things to think about once your house hunting begins:


Inspections are one of the most important things to think about when searching for a home to invest in and move into. It's crucial to find out exactly what types of inspections have been performed on the home and what the results were. Has the plumbing and septic system been fully inspected? What condition is the insulation and foundation in?

Is there anything that will need to be replaced or repaired in the coming years? Ask your real estate agent to gather all the inspection paperwork for each home you consider buying so you can compare it all side-by-side and determine which options are most likely in the best condition and will save you the most money on repairs as time goes on.


It is also a good idea to think about past maintenance when comparing available homes on the market to one another. Any home you consider investing in should have extensive maintenance and repair receipts available to inspect so you know exactly what has and hasn't been done over the years.

If a home has never had its HVAC repaired or maintained since installation, chances are that you will have to foot the bill for a repair soon after becoming the new homeowner. So, take the time to carefully inspect each maintenance and repair receipt for the homes you're interested in owning and create a checklist of things that haven't been tended to recently so you can figure out what potential responsibilities you'll have.

Real Estate Fees

It's important to consider the real estate fees of parties selling homes you're interested in buying so you can figure out whether any of those fees are being passed along to you in their asking price. Your real estate agent should be able to find out whether you'll be expected to pay any of the other party's real estate fees when considering their asking price so you can use the information to place a counter offer that puts those fees back onto the seller where they should be.

These are just a few important things to consider when choosing a home to invest your money in, but they're a good starting point that should make it easy to develop a list of your own concerns and considerations that you'd like addressed. 
