4 Common Mistakes Home Sellers Should Always Avoid

Selling a house requires a lot more than just putting it on the market. If you want to make a profit and sell your house in a timely manner, you will need to have a plan to ensure that potential buyers see your home in the best possible light. When selling your house, avoid making the following common mistakes:

Neglecting to Make Repairs

When your house is listed, it should be in the absolute best condition possible. Any issues that your house may have should be repaired or replaced before potential buyers start viewing it. One thin you may want to consider is hiring a home inspector to do a home inspection. Most people assume that home inspections are something that only buyers do after having an offer accepted, but they can also help sellers fix issues so their home is in top condition.

Failing to De-Clutter

An important thing to remember when selling a house is the fact that potential buyers want to be able to picture themselves living in it, not seeing how you and your family currently live in it. One of the most important things you can do when selling a home is organize, de-clutter, and clean each room from top to bottom. Your personal belongings should not be out when potential buyers are viewing your house. It is also a good idea to remove family photos from the shelves and walls, as well as personal keepsakes.

Not Listening to Your Realtor

One of the biggest mistakes that sellers make is not listening to their realtor. This is especially true when it comes to pricing the house. While you may think that your home is worth a certain amount, its actual worth is determined by your local real estate market. Your realtor will do a comprehensive price analysis to see what comparable homes in the area have recently sold for and then he or she will make a suggestion of what you should price your house at. If you choose to ignore your realtor's advice and price your home too high, it will most likely sit on the market for a really long time.

Ignoring Curb Appeal

After cleaning and organizing the inside of your house, don't forget to give the exterior some attention. Your home's curb appeal is the first impression that potential buyers will have of your house, so make sure that it looks beautiful. The lawn and trees should be trimmed, and it is never a bad idea to add some colorful flowering plants. 
