Understanding The Different Types Of Real Estate Listings

If you are getting ready to sell your home, you need to understand the different types of real estate listings you can use to find potential buyers. Consider each type. You need to be honest with yourself about how much time you can put into marketing the property and how much you know about the process. You can also talk with real estate agents from different companies to find out how they work and what you should expect.

For Sale By Owner

You do not have to have an agent involved in the sale of your home. This will save you from paying the commission to the agent. You know your home better than anyone and can discuss the highlights and any special selling points of the property. You must be willing to be available at all times to show the house or talk with potential buyers. In addition, it can be a bit hard to hear people talk about things they do not like or would change. However, an agent is experienced with marketing and has access to different types of marketing tools.

Exclusive Agency Listing

This type of listing is kind of an in-between listing. You have an agent working with you, yet you are still able to sell the home on your own and not pay any commission. If you find someone interested, you can show the home, make the contract and close the deal yourself, but you will need to do it all by yourself if you want to save on the commission. Your agent will still do all the marketing available to him or her and work to sell your home too. This may result in a quicker sale. It is up to you to decide whether to increase the asking price if an agent is involved and you can turn down any offers that do not meet your requirements.

Exclusive Right to Sell Listing

This type of listing involves a real estate agent who will receive a commission even if you find a buyer yourself. The good part of this type of listing is that everything is on the agent. He or she does all the marketing, meets with the buyers, does the showings, draws up the contract, and handles anything you do not want to, such as setting up home inspections or arranging to have things fixed to make the sale (of course this will all cost you money). If you decide to go with this type of listing, take your time finding an agent. You are going to need to have someone you feel comfortable with to get through the process.

Selling a home you have lived in for a long time can be an emotional thing. You may know the home, but may also have a hard time seeing someone else living in it. Selling a property you are not emotionally invested in may be easier on you, but can also be time-consuming. Take your time when deciding how you want to sell your home, and if an agent will be involved, be sure to pick the right one.
