3 Tips To Help You Effectively Manage Your Multifamily Property

As the owner or property manager of a multifamily property, it is important that you realize that your property is a true asset and that you view it as such. You also need to treat it as an asset. To do this, you need to develop and execute a strategy that will ensure its effective and efficient management. If you do this, it will almost be guaranteeing that you will realize a considerable reward in the long-term. Here are a few tips that will help you achieve this:

Tip #1: Choose the Right Tenants.

Property is costly and precious, so it is crucial that you know you have the right people living in your apartments. If you fail to go through the right process to ensure that the right people are in the apartments, it is all too easy to find yourself with a huge mess and headache while they're living there and when they move out. The tenant can be disruptive, unkempt, and possibly even rebellious. 

To avoid getting a bad tenant, you should make sure to go through an interviewing process. With this process, you will learn about their prior rental history, discover bad habits that they may have, and pick up on any tidbits of information that could help you determine whether they may be a good tenant or a bad tenant.

Tip #2: Perform Routine Inspections.

While your initial gut feeling was to accept a tenant, it doesn't mean that it was the correct gut instinct. It is very important that you continue to keep an eye on all of your tenants as well as your apartments on a regular basis. This is to ensure that your property is being properly cared for and maintained. 

You can either make sure scheduled or unscheduled pop-bys. Just make sure that this routine inspections are listed in the contract so that the tenant is aware of them.

Tip #3: Always Communicate.

Make sure that your lines of communication are always open. If the phone rings, try to make sure that it is always answered. If a maintenance request comes in, make sure that someone in the maintenance department responds to it in a quick and efficient manner - even if it is a minor issue. Happy tenants will pay their rent on time and spread the word that they live in a great community. This simply equates to more tenants and more money for you.

Contact a property management firm, like ClearWorth Capital, for more help.
